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on keeping on... of sort

so, i guess we're finally doing this. i've been toying with the idea of building a web for a while now--of course, back then i was thinking of something fancy with official domain and stuff like that, but i guess it doesn't matter all that much, the whole naming thing. when the thought of engineering a whole website alone overwhelmed me, i thought about newsletters--i mean, people do that a lot nowadays--but i realise that that requires even more commitment (or rather... schedule?) from my part, so that's a no.

and, at last, here we are. apparently it's not that difficult, building a web when you have pre-made templates. and so glad they have a forum option! let's talk and be free from people who think that talking about things you love is bragging! it's not and you have all rights to love something and talk about it. and, hm, okay, let's hope no one ask you to sell items you don't wanna sell here. i'll keep a watch over you!

honestly not sure about what to write, but let's do this one:

"Didn’t you say I should wish for the one thing I wish the most in the world? ... I only, and always will, wish for your happiness."

i was really glad to be able to share the 'post-book worlds' with you via Twitter! my particular favourite was the White Wedding continuation. it occurred to me one day that if Sierra was Archangel Michael, then he's supposed to be responsible for Saving Ludo's Alice's banishment from heaven! that means... the little wimp is stronger than the scary lady! they would make a lovely dynamic, i think.

but, anyway, i have mentioned in an occasion that White Wedding was, in fact, a 'fanfiction' to an original text-based project of mine. it's actually a story that i've been developing since i was 13/14, so the concept is about 14-15 years old now! tweaking this story is my daily writing 'practice', and after 10 years in development, i noticed how rich the characters have become and how complex the story line is now. it's gotten so much darker but the said darkness is presented in greater subtlety; i guess this last one is what i didn't have as a young person.

Sierra & Elphira's relationship and their personalities intrigue me a lot, and i wound up giving a lot of alternate universes for them. one of which was an almost-published comic book (the project was cancelled when the publishing house went under in 2010/2011), and the second one became White Wedding. their original story ended very nicely, actually, but they went through such hardship that i felt that they deserved a less tumultuous world or two.

a page from the project that almost happened

i guess what i'm trying to say is...

sometimes you just spiral into something. it might take a while for it to take shape, or to take a good shape, but do keep on. sometimes you will have to keep on forever. and that's not not okay. as long as you can still find pleasure in what you're doing, it's not loss. it's not a waste of time. loving something never is.

and, also,


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